The Organization

We create a solidarity circle with the aim to support our fellow citizens. An initiative from people for people. An initiative from people for people.

The Team

Having as a common goal to live in a society all together, different people unite, act and share.

Meet the people behind the Steps institution and become a member of the team.

The Steps

towards autonomy

Street Embrace

We approach without discrimination vulnerable groups of people who experience social exclusion. Through our constant presence in the streets of the city, observation and active hearing, we build relationships of trust with street connected people.
The Steps

towards autonomy


Through targeted actions and hospitality programs (Night Stop, Safe Passage, My Home), we give the opportunity to street connected people to regain their fundamental right to privacy.


Through educational processes, consulting, skills development and socialization, we aim, for every single individual, to be able to become autonomous and independent.

Period 2016-2020

With the launch of Steps, none of us expected that within just five years, our team would become the starting point in activating so many people and bringing to life so many ideas and projects.

Find out more about our steps.




Hours of Street Embrace


Portions of Food


Syringes (22,000 syringes have been collected)




Masks & Hygiene kits

Belong - Steps Org

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Find out the ways you can support our effort and become part of Steps.